Pittsburgh Power & Fitness Festival

2025 Zumba®

Stage Demos: Sunday 12:30PM – 3:30PM Lucrecia and Zumba® Team

Join Lucrecia and the ® Team for a high-energy action-packed Zumba® class demo!

Zumba® is designed to bring everyone and anyone together to sweat it on. We take the “work” out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you’ll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check. It’s a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Through exhilarating, high calorie-burning fitness classes, Zumba® Fitness has helped melt the pounds and inches off more than 12 million Zumba®-enthusiasts in over 125 countries. Using easy-to-follow moves and exotic, high-energy music, Zumba® routines successfully tone and sculpt the body while burning fat. This workout is the perfect complement to providing variety to your fitness and bodybuilding training routines. BECOME A ZUMBA INSTRUCTOR – SAVE 68% OFF THE TRAINING WITH CODE TSZUMBA68 Go to www.zumba.com for more information about Zumba®.

Lucrecia Venosta, better known as Luli Zumbera, is a native of Argentina. Her passion for Latin music saw her become part of several Latin dance groups in Cordoba, Argentina. Among them, the recognized “Comadreja” group. She moved to the United States in 2010, becoming a Zumba® Instructor soon after. She is ACE and AFAA group exercise certified, an ACE senior fitness and sports nutrition instructor and ACE health coach. Lucrecia became a Zumba® Education Specialist (ZES™) for ® Gold® in 2013. Now, she teaches Zumba® Basic 1, Zumba® Basic 2, Zumba® Pro Skills, Zumba® Gold® and Jump Start Gold trainings in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania in the United States and other countries.